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Saw the total eclispe today. Absolutely beautiful is all Im able to say about it. I got a few photos of it, too. I only picked my favorite one, because I dont want to share all of them, but this is my favorite anyway.

Besides that, Im thinking of making changes to this site just so its easier to work with but still easy to navigate, so maybe prepare for some style changes in the near future, but the overall theme will still be the same. Weird to say, and switching topics, the moment after the eclipse was over (and after the fear of getting shot in a drive by), it really made me wonder about everything. Like, at least 8 billion people are just... living their life right now. 8 billion living, breathing, feeling people just existing in this world. My brain can barely comprehend anything over two thousand people existing in the world, let alone 8 billion. All (at least most) of them just living their day to day lives.

Song for the blog: