Go back home.

Quite literally nothing happened today. I mean, I guess something did happen today, I showered for the first time in like 2 weeks, but it gave me a massive headache that still hasnt fully gone away yet. I kinda wanna shower again just so I can get my mind back together if that makes sense, but Id probably get heavily questioned so thats not really possible. Ive been feeling really off as of lately. Maybe I just havent been getting good enough sleep (even though I have actually been sleeping for once in my life) but everything just feels weird and gross. I just dont wanna do anything anymore, I either live in the guilt of my own mind, or become too tired to even think. But, doing nothing is impossible, even while youre asleep your mind is still running. Ill just have to deal with myself for now, I guess. On another hand, I wish I was able to go outside more. I really like being out there but unfortunately the only time where its cool enough to be out there is spring, and thatll leave me sick for weeks at least. Ill just settle for opening my window every now and then, even if where its placed is horrible and all I can see is my neighbors shitty house. Itll do me good If I got air in my lungs every once in awhile instead of room musk and the occasional candle.

Song for the blog: